Play and Learn day Nursery is open for children from 6 months to 11 years old. The nursery provision is open for children from 6 months to 5 years old. After-school and holiday clubs are open for children up to 11 years old. The nursery is open 51 weeks a year.

Play and Learn Day Nursery is an Ofsted registered childcare provider with a ‘Good’ rating.

We offer the highest quality of education, endless commitment and comprehensive childcare. We strive to deliver the highest form of care and education for all children in our setting. It is important that children receive a well-balanced education while being able to play and discover themselves.

We want to help every child to develop into an independent and self-thinking individual, who helps to create a better world for themselves and others.
We aim to provide a happy and secure environment for children to play and learn under the supervision and guidance of trained staff.

We welcome and value children and their families from all community sections and celebrate different cultures and religions.

Our holiday club provides care and education with extra curriculum activities as follows:

  • Cooking
  • Learning different languages
  • Well-planned activities to support children with maths and literacy skills
  • Music and dance
  • Sport activities
  • Trips to the theatre, farm, park and soft play

We support parent needs during Christmas break, Easter break, summer break and half-terms (please keep in mind that the club is closed during Bank holidays).

  • Autumn half-term from Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October
  • Christmas break from Monday 19th December to Monday 2nd January
  • Spring half-term from Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February
  • Easter break from Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April
  • Summer half-term from Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June
  • Summer break from Monday 24th July to Friday 1st September

We will offer a warm, safe, stimulating and creative environment during the holidays (all risks assessed).

During each day there will be time for both indoor and outdoor play, breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be served during their session.


► Childcare Vouchers
► Tax Credits (Child Benefit)
► Nursery Education Grant
► HM Customs & Excise – Child Benefit
► HM Customs & Excise – Childcare
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Play and Learn Day Nursery
9 East Barnet Road
Barnet EN4 8RR
Tel: 0203 609 3342
Mobile: 07506 269914